Contact Phone: 08 9144 1453
Specialising in -
- Civil Project Management.
- Horizontal Boring.
- Underground Electrical Installations.
- Telecommunications installations.
- Water pipe installations.
- Asbestos Removal.
Allwest Drilling Pty Ltd is a well-established, competent and professionalCivil and Drilling company that specialises in Horizontal Directional Drilling(HDD).Offering Project Management / Design implementation anddelivery services to all industries,Allwest Drilling construct trenchless pipe laying solutions for all industries.
Allwest Drilling provide innovative, experienced and professionalpersonnel who navigate each project's unique challenges and conditions.
Offering professionalism in the most demanding environments,Allwest Drilling has a proven reputation for delivering superior results throughsafe, progressive and cost-effective project solutions.Our recent major projects include;
- Pilbara Underground Power Project in Karratha, Western Australia.
- NBN Construction throughout the Pilbara / Kimberley's / Gascoyne regions.
- Rio Tinto Lighting Upgrades - 51 Road , Cape lambert, 7 Mile.
- Wodgina Gas Pipeline.
- Tanami Gas Pipeline.
With a full ensemble of Drill Rigs, Excavators, Support Trucks, VacuumExcavation Equipment and advanced trenchless capabilities, there is noproject too big or too small that we can't deliver on.
Allwest In The Community
At Allwest Drilling we care about our local community,
95% of our supplies are sourced locally.
90% of our employees are local based in Karratha.
We engage in the local community/ Pilbara region through sponsorships and donations
We are always looking for opportunities to support the local community.
90% of our employees are local based in Karratha.
We engage in the local community/ Pilbara region through sponsorships and donations
We are always looking for opportunities to support the local community.
Recent Local events we are proud to have been a part of
Excavation of over 200 holes for the local primary school project Planting of trees along Dampier Highway.
Donation of 100 solar lights for the Onslow community.
Local speedway sponsorship.
Motocross Sponsorship.
Donation of large quantity of furniture to the local community.
Representatives at FeNacle Tug of War
Donation of 100 solar lights for the Onslow community.
Local speedway sponsorship.
Motocross Sponsorship.
Donation of large quantity of furniture to the local community.
Representatives at FeNacle Tug of War
Our Projects
Pilbara Underground Power Project in Karratha, Western Australia.
NBN Construction throughout the Pilbara / Kimberley's / Gascoyne
Lighting Upgrades at 7 Mile and Cape Lambert Rio Tinto.
NBN Construction throughout the Pilbara / Kimberley's / Gascoyne
Lighting Upgrades at 7 Mile and Cape Lambert Rio Tinto.
Karratha Underground Power
Cape Lambert Lighting Upgrade